Dealership Change - Buy or Rent a Firewood Processor or Chipper-DYNA Products

Dealership Change


DYNA Products Dealer Update

We are announcing important news to the Mid-Atlantic region of the US consisting of the states of North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware and Southern Pennsylvania.

For the past 13 years Bill Mollard of Timberline Landscape has served the Mid-Atlantic region as a dealer representing the DYNA firewood processors and he uses the model of rentals as a means of developing branding and exposure. Today, Bill has successfully achieved a highly successful network of rental centers. He is passionate about rentals and growing his rental fleet. He has resigned his dealership and is concentrating his considerable business talent to developing and growing his rental fleet.

The factory is delighted to see his success in rental and has re-assumed the sales responsibility for the region. Noah and Anthony are looking forward to serving your needs, whether it is directing you to your closest DYNA rental center or selling you a firewood processor to develop your own business. Or whether it is growing a fleet of successful rental centers, owning your own firewood business or for your personal use and enjoyment.

How can we help you achieve the reality of what you have always been dreaming for?