Message about COVID-19 from the CEO
DYNA During COVID-19

At DYNA we are very concerned about the effects of COVID-19 and the impact it has made on our country and the world. Everybody will be affected by one way or another. Since the virus spreads so rampantly and puts at risk especially the older population, we have taken steps to limit its spread. We are joining forces with the rest of America to eliminate this virus and bring the country back to normal as quickly as possible.
We have assembled a four person COVID-19 task force who have implemented precautionary steps at DYNA. DYNA is following guidelines set forth by the CDC and state government. This includes sanitizing daily, limiting who comes into the manufacturing facility, special handling processes and sanitizing for package deliveries and working at home as necessary. Currently we are in production and able to serve you every day. DYNA is committed to keep you running and keep deliveries of processors and parts shipping. We have increased our parts supply catalog on the DYNA online store so you can continue ordering day and night. Please take advantage of this feature especially through this time.
While we live in a very uncertain time, the reality is, life simply is uncertain. We are constantly surrounded by pain, sickness and death. Fortunately we have an anchor in God who is ultimately in control and cares for each of us. Take this opportunity if you have not and reflect upon your life. Maybe through this, God is calling you to be his Son or Daughter. He loves you and you can fully trust his POWER and GRACE and LOVE to save your soul from sin and spiritual death. This brings TRUE security – even in the midst of panic.
Thank You,
Nathan Miller | CEO
DYNA Products
8440 State Rd
Millington, MI 48746
Jesus Cares about you